Monday 15 September 2014

Target Audience

This post will stare what the age rating for our short film will be, why and evidence that we have watched to support our decision.

The target audience for our short film, Life Of Hermit will be 15 - 45 year olds. As our short film includes elements of the 15 age rating category  stated by the BBFC.

'The British Board of Film Classification is an independent, non-governmental body which has classified cinema films since it was set up in 1912 and videos/ DVDs since the Video Recordings Act was passed in 1984.'

So, what is included in the 15 age classification category?

Being as our film is a 15 this means that know person under the age of 15 will be able to watch it.

Here is a list of entities that you may see in a film with the 15 classification:
  • Strong violence
  • Strong language (f***)
  • Portrayal of sexual activity
  • Strong verbal references to sex
  • Nudity
  • Brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
  • Discriminatory language or behaviour
  • Drug taking
We have chosen this rating as our short film will include strong language and the characters in our film will be teenagers so with our audience been teenagers from the age of 15 and upwards the audience should be able to relate with what the characters are doing and experiencing. in addition to this, our group felt that anyone under the age of 15 may not understand the purpose of the film so it would be pointless in them watching it because of their age.

Real Media Ratings 

Cheaper By The Dozen 
  • BBFC Rating- PG
  • Genre- Comedy
  • Produced- 2004
I've chosen to analyse this film as the cast includes numerous teenage actors. This is useful as our groups film only includes a teenage cast. I am curious to see what age range this film is most popular with as this could be the same with our short film.

From the image above, you can see what age range this particular film is most popular with. It is clear to see that mostly 15-24 year olds prefer the film as 45% are from this category. This is useful as this ties in with the age range of our short film which is 15 - 45 year olds. 

  • BBFC Rating- 12A
  • Genre- Comedy, Drama
  • Produced- 2014
The only reason I have chosen to analyse the film Frank is because the main character always wears a mask, and I was curious to see how the audience reacted to this and what age audience preferred the film the most. 

As you can see, 15-24 year olds preferred the film the most out of any other age as they got the highest percentage of 35%. It was useful to research this film as it is clear to see that 15 - 25 year olds liked the idea with the masked character. This is good for our group as our target audience is 15 - 45 year old and our film does included Trestle masks. So this suggests that our age range is perfect for our film.

To conclude, it is clear to see from the research I have done that 15 to 45 year olds is the correct audience range for our film as from the two real media products that I have looked at both have the highest audience percentage for this category. Also our film includes masks and has a full teenage cast, so it should be popular with our target audience.