Monday 15 September 2014

Film Pitch Commissioned Interview

This post will show two of our groups film pitches, one that had to many risks and wasn't commissioned and an other one that luckily didn't have to many risks and therefore was commissioned.

First Pitch

 This is our first pitch, unfortunately our group wasn't as prepared as we would have liked to have been going into this pitch as we only came up with the idea a matter of days before we had to pitch it to Mr Hood. From watching the pitch you shall see where major problems occurred that Mr Hood had identified.

  • Ambitious
  • Achievable scenes
  • Original idea
  • Too ambitious for what its worth (marks wise)
  • We would have had to buy certain costumes to make sure the mise en scene was appropriate and authentic.
  • The setting would have had to of been perfect to make it look professional with the mise en scene factor.
  • Complicated story for a short film.
  • Would have to rely heavily on the quality of acting.

Despite the idea being original and ambitious we felt that after listening to what Mr Hood had to say it was worth doing as there was just to many things that could have gone wrong that would have had a big affect on our final marks. So with the film appropriately not being commissioned rather that risking a lot of marks on trying to improve scenes we decided that we should just get a whole new idea.

I personally think that the idea was good because of how original it was, but it wasn't worth trying to do it as we can get a new idea with less risks that can still achieve the highest marks. So even though it was disappointing being the only group that didn't get commissioned I believe that it will be worth it in the long run for our final grade.

Second Pitch

Compared to our previous pitch, heading in to this one we was definitely more prepared and confident because of the idea. Also after not getting commissioned for our fist idea this motivated much more to get commissioned this time. Here is our second and final pitch:

  • Achievable idea.
  • Interesting plot.
  • Easy settings to access, group members homes and different locations around the school.
  • Original idea to use masks, will be effective.
  • Easy to access costumes because the actors will be teenagers so they will have 'teenage' looking clothes.
  • We already have actors who are willing to participate in our film.
  • There has got to be a appropriate ending to support the purpose of the film.
  • there may be problems with the swimming pool scene as the camera screen could condense up because of the steam, not allowing us to shoot.
  • Big idea, can we fit it all into 5 minutes?
  • The actors would have to wear clothes whilst shooting the swimming pool scenes because they exam board don't like seen people exposed. We would also have to make consent forms for the actors to make sure that them and their parents are okay with what they'll be doing.
Evaluation of film pitch:

Overall I am proud to say that I am pleased with how our group pitched our second idea after our unconvincing previous pitch. I think that we pitched the idea in a clear manner and pitched it confidently to Mr Hood. Also when Mr Hood did identify some issues I feel that we answered them in a confident and reassuring style.  Am I pleased to say that this idea did get commissioned by Mr Hood.