Monday 15 September 2014

Production Team Introductions & Evaluation Of Members Film Pitches

My production team this year includes the following members: Tilly Whitehouse, Dan Vidmar and Tina Vidmar. I am pleased to say that I very happy with my team as we all get along very well, also each individual has their own strength's and area's where they can improve. I believe that we will work well throughout the year as a group as this is the same team that produced the documentary on litter which was awarded the highest level. This reflects how well we work as a team.

Here is a picture of our Production team:

(Far left is Dan, middle left is Tilly, middle right is Tina and far right is myself)

Myself (Robbie Gale)
I think that the one of my main features is resilience, I think that this will come in handy if our team is stuck on one particular thing as I will encourage and motivate the team to keep on going and to overcome any problem. I think that I also give valid input into my group. Also, I hope to achieve a good grade in this subject this year so I will make sure that everything to do with our film is as good as it possibly can be in order to achieve the highest marks possible. I don't think that this will be annoy the team either as I know that they also want to do the best they possibly can throughout the course also! 
Areas for improvement: 
I think the main area in which I could improve is my creative side, as unfortunately I don't come up with a lot of effective creative ideas. However I will try my best to create useful ideas for the filming process. Another area in which I need to improve is my time management, as I do frequently turn up late to lesion by a couple of minutes. I will do my utmost to try and turn up on time for lesion in the future. 
My Film Pitch: Was It Worth It?

I believe that my film has a clear and simple plot, this is useful as the audience for my film would be able to understand exactly what is going on throughout the film. The main reason being as the audience would be around the same age as the characters so they would be able to relate with them and maybe could understand what they are going through. Also, my film only requires a small cast so it wouldn't be to hard to find actors to work in my film. Lastly, I believe that the message of my film 'was it worth it?' would make the audience reflect on their own lives and make them think about decisions which they have made so they can look back at them and ask their selves the same question. This may also influence their decision making in the future.
I think that the main negative about my film would be the location, which would be set up the Cannock Chase, as we would have to film it in the winter when it would be dark at four o'clock most nights and it would also be very cold. This is a problem as you aren't allowed to film when its dark so we would have to film it early in the day and then edit it to make it look as if it was shot at night time. Colour corrector, the software that allows you to try and accomplish this effect can be tricky to use and is hard to get every shot the exact same colour. Also if the weather conditions kept changing e.g. snow & rain then this would be a problem as the weather conditions would have to be the same throughout the film to avoid any continuity errors.
Overall I like my idea as it is simple and effective and could very easily be done but it also has its issues as I have mentioned above. But I think that their are better ideas from the rest of the members in our group,
Dan Vidmar

I believe that Dan is a creative person whom comes up with useful and effective ideas. He also gives strong input into conversations regarding our film which is very much appreciated. Dan is also a very hard worker, for example he is the person who found the non dietetic sound for the documentary task. So he is the man to go to for backing sound and music. 
Areas for improvement:
Dan is a very strong media student, however sometimes I feel that he lacks confidence, for example if he has an idea he will hold back and not say it regardless of the quality of it. I think that if Dan is more confident with his own ideas himself and our group will benefit from this. 
Dan's film pitch:

One of the main things that I liked about Dan's film idea was the variety of shots in which we could use. This is mainly because of the location that he has chosen for his film, being in a theatre and at someones home. For example Dan wanted to include a graphic match of a girl dancing swaying to her left but when she goes to her left the shot cuts back to a flash back of when she used to get bullied at school and get pushed into lockers. I really liked the sound of this idea as if it was executed correctly it could be extremely effective. The locations would also be easy to access as we could use the school theatre and shot the home scenes at some ones home. Dan's idea is also effective and original.
Dan mentioned having some music playing in the background for the film, this would be effective but I believe that the music would have to be appropriate otherwise it could take the edge off the film. It can also take a long time searching for the right music, so this would be time consuming. Furthermore, although we could shoot scenes in the theatre at school there could be a problem with the theatre changing how it looks due to school shows and out of school productions. If this was to happen then we would get marked down because it would be a continuity error.
I like Dan's idea as it is original and we could use a wide range of shots, however if we did use Dan's idea and the theatre did change how it looks whilst we were filming in their this could severely affect our marks. So I feel that this would be to big a risk to take.
Tilly Whitehouse
Tilly is a confident girl who isn't afraid to say what she thinks which is great for the team as if she spots a weakness which the rest of the team have missed she will point it out and make everyone aware of it. Tilly also has a strong creative side which is good as she inputs effective creative ideas. 
Areas for improvement:
Similar to Dan, Tilly can also hold back some of her own ideas, so if she can overcome this and say more of them I believe that this could benefit our group. 
Tilly's film idea: Behind The Curtain

The main feature I liked about Tilly's film is the dance drama, I think that this idea is very original and would look effective if it was done correctly. Also as Tilly is part of an out of school acting group she has friends who can act and dance and she said that they would be willing to act in her film. So if we do use Tills the cast will be perfect for what we need. On top of this, the locations that Tilly's film require would be easy to access as we could shoot in school for the theatre scenes and at one of our group members house's for the house scene.
Like Dan's idea, even though we could get access to the school theatre there is always the risk that it could change how it looks because of school shows and out of school productions. If this did happen then this would lead to being marked down due to continuity errors. Also putting the right routine together for the dance drama could prove a challenge as if it wasn't done right then it could make the film look amateur and unprofessional. This could also be time consuming to put together an appropriate routine. 
I am very fond of Tilly's idea as it is original and would be fun to do, but if the theatre did change then know matter how good the final film was we would get marked down a lot for continuity errors. Plus if we couldn't think of a good dance routine to do then we would be faced with a huge problem.
Tina Vidmar

I feel that Tina is a very strong team member as she is extremely creative as she is always coming up with lots of ideas. Tina is also a confident individual who isn't afraid to say her ideas and to say when she thinks something could be done better. Tina is also extremely hard working. 
Areas for improvement:
One main problem with Tina is when there is a problem she will begin to panic immediately if she can't solve it. I think Tina needs to relax more and when a problem occurs she should ask her team members or Mr Hood for help rather than just panicking.
Tina's film idea: When Is Play Time Over?


I think that Tina's film idea is the most original and could be the most effective out of our group's ideas if it was executed to perfection. The reason why it is the most original is because of how ambitious the idea is and if we did do it perfect it would be highly rewarding. Also, Tina's film only needs a small cast and Tina has already asked people if they would act in her film and they said yes so finding actors wouldn't be a problem.


The film idea is ambitious and if we did pull it off we would get high marks, but if at any point we failed to make it look realistic and professional we would lose a high number of marks. Also if we were to do Tina's film we would have to get lots of different costume's and prop's for the different time periods which could be hard to get and expensive to buy. Moreover, finding the right location would be hard for each time period, as if the exam board didn't believe a scene looked authentic then we would lose marks due to lack of attention to mise en scene aspects.


I do really like Tina's idea and I know that if we pulled it off we would achieve the highest marks but it is also really risky because if we failed on one aspect of the film then we would lose a lot of marks. despite how ambitious it is I feel that the film is to big a risk to try and accomplish.