Sunday 14 September 2014

FCP X Training

This year we will be using a new and improved software to edit our short films, this will be Final Cut Pro X, last year we used Final Cut Pro Express, the new version does differ from the old version in many ways. So being as we will be using a new software this year, Mr Hood gave us a sheet that will help us figure out how to use the new and improved version of Final cut.

The image above was a sheet given to us by Mr Hood that basically guides us and tells us how to use this new software. As there are lots of new and improved gadgets compared to the old software that we used last year, for example on the new software certain keys act as shortcuts to do things:
Here is what some keys do on the new software:
J key- to play on a clip
K key- to go backwards on a clip
L key- to go forwards on a clip
I key - to mark the in point on a clip (the same as the old software)
0 key - to mark the out point on a clip ( the same as the old software)
E key - to add a clip at the end of a video

So to begin with, once we had uploaded our shots onto Final Cut Pro X we then had to create a folder to organise each of our shots. So for example, all of the B-roll shots would go into the B-roll folder. This is useful as it makes it easy for us to access our desired shots rather than having to scroll through each and every shot which would be time consuming.

The shots with the Blue line on the top of them are the shots that we put into folders, and the shots with the read line on them are the shots that we wasn't going to use due to poor quality shooting. 
Once we had organised all of our shots into the appropriate folders, we then began to edit some of our shots. The shots that we started to edit first off was some B-roll clips around the school. When we had edited these clips, we then included overhead narration by David on top of the clips.
I personally believe that the new software is better than the previous one that we used even though to begin with it was a quite tricky to understand and use. But know I have more of an understanding on how to use FCP X I prefer it as it allows you to do more with your shots whilst editing and it seems simpler to use than the old software.