Thursday 12 February 2015


Now we have finished our rough cut, got feedback and decided what we are going to do to improve. We are now starting to make these improvements. This post will be the evaluation of the re-shooting for our final product.


Location: Drama Studio
Actors Required: David Twohey, Jake Bennett
Crew Members: Daniel Vidmar, Robbie Gale, Tilly Whitehouse
Time: 3.30pm - 6.00pm

Scene: 10
Storyboard: Shot 31-34
Props: Calm Mask

Review of Day
3:30 - We set up the equipment, the tracking dolly and the tripod. It took us a long time to put the tripod on the tracking dolly perfectly because we wanted to make sure that Dave (Hermit) and Jake (Calm Emotion) were exactly under the lights, and that the lights were equal either sides. 

3:50 - We then shot when Hermit and the calm emotion walk into the centre to each other. This took many many attempts. We had to mark the floor to ensure that their feet were directly under the lights, and we had to make sure they walked with the same feet and stopped at the same time, all while tracking the camera in. We did this many times as sometimes the actors weren't directly under the lights, or walked too quickly, or the camera was too quick or slow or didn't flow well. 

4:10 - We decided that we would keep the camera in the exact same place and film the end of that scene (When Hermit is facing himself). Last time we did this at the end, and it was a mistake as the camera moved and you could clearly see Dave (Hermit) had moved. So we drew around Jake's feet as that is exactly where Hermit should be standing in. This was our main problem in our film, so we thought the solution would to be mark where he stood as we failed to do this last time. Dave (Hermit) didn't move from his spot as we filmed the last scene. He then quickly got changed into the clothing Jake was wearing. We made sure that the camera was not moved in any way as this way of effected the shot. We then filmed Hermit standing where the calm emotion was.

5:10 - After Hermit got back changed we then filmed the shock scene. We decided we weren't going to attempt to re-do the vertigo shot as we realised it didn't work the first time, and we got a few compliments on the alternative we did. So we moved the tracking dolly and positioned it so Hermit was perfectly in the centre and then tracked into him as he pulled a shocked reaction. We did this many times as we wanted to get the perfect reaction. 

5:20 - We then filmed the over the shoulder shot. We started with it from Jakes point over view. We positioned it so Hermit was in focus and the calm mask's shoulder wasn't. We left this recording while we directed him and shouted out different directions and facial expressions to him, so when it comes to the editing stage we can look trough the clip and decide which part we prefer.

5:30 - We then filmed the other over the shoulder shot. We started with Jake (calm mask) with the mask on, we filmed him looking at hermit and then taking his mask of. Then David got changed into his clothes and then we filmed him taking the mask of in the same way. We made sure we didn't move the camera from the first time, and we used Daniel to double Dave's neck in the scene. We had to film this twice because we will use the cut away of Hermits reaction in-between when he takes his mask off.

Evaluation of Filming
I feel overall filming went well today, we were a lot more organised than when we first tried this shot, as we feel like we rushed the rest of the shots last time as we spent most of our time on the vertigo shot. At one point the brighting was a problem, but because we couldn't get into the control room we couldn't turn the lighting down so we had to work with what we have. We marked all the actors and were they stood which we feel will really help us getting the positioning of Hermit right in the reveal scene. We are going to edit this footage and hopefully the shot with Hermit and Hermit works well.