Tuesday 10 February 2015

Editing- Day 2

When: Monday 12th January
What: Edit the scenes 1-3 for the rough cut.
Who: Tilly, Daniel, Robbie


We begun editing with first scene which involves Hermit waking up and leaving the house. This was one of the scenes that we were most concerned of when filming as we wouldn't know if the overall scene will be presented well until the actual editing stage. This was because each footage in the scene would be edited into quick, rapid shots from one another so it was vital for each shot to be edited well together or else if it doesn't, then there is the risk that we have to re-film the whole scene again. Fortunately, each shot worked well together in the scene due to editing. At first each shot was edited for too long as this scene ended up lasting over 1.30 minutes and we didn't want this as we needed to fit the 5 minute mark for the overall short film therefore we decided to shorten the length of this scene in order to fit all the other scenes in. This worked to our advantage as the scene looked much smoother then previously and the overall presentation has improved. Once the editing of the shots was complete, we added the foley sounds and soundtrack in the film by using the same diegetic and non diegetic sounds from our animatic.

Now that we completed editing on the first scene of the film, we decided to move onto the next scene. This scene wasn't very difficult to edit in as it was just one continuous tracking shot however the main issue with this scene was adding the foley sounds. The non diegetic music from the previous scene would continue onto this one so that wasn't a problem but adding the foley sounds of all the characters laughing was one as the sound wouldn't match their movements. It was vital to prevent this issue as it would create a continuity error as it would seem that the characters aren't actually making those sounds therefore it would ruin the effect on the audience. Although we didn't have time to record all the actors/actresses laughing, we found a diegetic sound of people laughing that matched with the scene in the short film.

Next, we was going to produce the title for the film however we decided to leave the title, credits and narration until the end as we wanted to perfect each scene first.

We now moved onto the third scene of Life of Hermit which consists of a dance scene with Hermit and his masked friends as well as all the friends playing spin the bottle. The first part of the scene wasn't difficult to edit in as it was just one continuous shot with only the diegetic sound of music playing throughout the scene. However we found the next few shots difficult to edit in as it begun with the happy masked friend spinning the bottle so it was vital for the next shot to match with who the bottle lands on or else the scene won't look as acceptable and it would overall ruin the effect to our target audience. Once we eventually matched the two shots together, we had to alter the speed of which the camera is moving around each masked friend until it reaches Hermit where it should slow down to suggest that the bottle has landed on Hermit. This was a very time consuming process as either the clip went too fast or it went too slow however we eventually got the shot at the speed we wanted. The last two clips were to edit in as it consists of a tilt shot and a handheld two shot however adding the diegetic sound of the masked friends laughing and clapping from the kiss was difficult to achieve as it was hard to match each sound to the film. After a while, we managed to match all the sounds on the final shot of this scene.

Overall, this day of editing has been good however quite challenging as we found the diegetic sounds difficult to edit in as we needed to make sure the sounds matched perfectly onto every shot of each scene or else this would ruin the effect to the audience. In day 3, we will be editing scenes 4 and 5.