Thursday 12 February 2015


When: 29th January 2015
Who: Tilly Whitehouse, Daniel Vidmar, Robbie Gale
What: Edit the new clips, change credits, sound and colour

Now that we have re-shot scene 6, we decided to re edit that scene first. Instead of using re-editing the whole scene from scratch, we decided to use the old 6th scene as a basis to assist us in editing this scene again because it will be able to give us an idea of how long each shot should be and where the narration should begin and end. This scene didn't take very long to edit as we already know how to edit this scene so there was no issues when it comes to editing this scene however we took our time with the shot where the two Hermit's are facing each other because this was one of the main issues from our audience feedback of the rough cut so we wanted to ensure that this shot was perfectly edited which luckily we believe it was.
This is how we overlapped this shot.


This is how much we cropped one of the shots
so the effect of Hermit looking at each
other works.

This is how the shot looks now that it is cropped.

We decided to next work on the credits for Life of Hermit as the change wouldn't take very to achieve  so all we had to was replace the 'Mask 1' with the emotions that each actor actually portrays. This wasn't difficult to achieve as all we had to was type each of the emotions in the credits.
This is how we changed the credits.
This is the final results for Life of Hermit's credits.
 After changing the credits, we decided to move onto the change in speed of the spin the bottle shot in scene 3. One of the feedbacks from this scene is that it had looked like Hermit's thumbs were moving to fast that it looks unrealistic so in order to prevent this issue, we decided to re-edit that shot so it looks like Hermit is moving his thumbs at a normal, realistic rate. This took a while to achieve as whenever we altered the speed at that part on Hermit, his thumbs are either moving to fast or too slow therefore the process of finding the right became time consuming however we eventually succeeded on finding the right speed.
We overlapped the shot so the speed can change.
This is the speed rate in which we changed the shot.
Now that all the shots were edited, we decided to move on changing all issues with sounds. We begun with altering the volumes of Hermit's narration throughout the film. By looking at the audience feedback, we found out that at some points of the rough cut, it was difficult to hear what Hermit is saying so to solve this issue, we simply changed the volume so the audience can hear Hermit clearly. Another sound issue that distracted the audience was with short film's score at the end of scene 5. When this scene ends, you are able to hear a woman singing with the score. While this part of the score wasn't poor, some of the audience found it quite comedic which is not the mood that we are aiming to achieve in this short film so to prevent this, we found a part of the soundtrack that we could repeat without ruining the effect of the film. Although it took a while to match the soundtrack together, we eventually achieved this effect.
This is how we changed the soundtrack in scene 5.
This is an example of how we altered the volume of Hermits narration.
Finally, the last thing we wanted to achieve for the final cut of Life of Hermit is to amend the lighting on the final scene of the short film. Although there was no one complained about the lighting in the rough cut feedback, we believe that in order to maximise the quality of Life of Hermit, we need to perfect every scene even if no complaints were made. In order to change the lighting we firstly balanced each shot so the character's faces are clear. Then, we matched the colour of every shot to the first shot of the scene as that was the only shot that had the right lighting. This caused all the other shots to have the same lighting as the first shot, thus preventing any lighting issues with scene 7.
This is how we colour corrected each shot for the last scene.

Overall, we are more than satisfied with what we achieved during the editing stage for the final cut of the short film. After weeks of editing and re shooting, we are finally ready to distribute the final cut of Life of Hermit.