Tuesday 10 February 2015

Editing- Day 3

When: Wednesday 14th January
What: Edit the scenes 4 and 5 for the rough cut.
Who: Tilly, Daniel, Robbie


We decided to only edit scenes four and five of Life of Hermit today as we didn't want to overload on work or else it will demotivate us to carry on editing and overall decrease productivity so we decided to perfect these two scenes before continuing on the last few scenes.

Firstly, the first two shots of scene 4 was difficult to edit as it was vital for both shots to match as the first one includes the angry emotion pulling Hermit out of the screen and the second shot includes Hermit being pushed into the lockers therefore it was important for both shots to work together so they can create a influential effect on the target audience as it would show how the angry emotion is consuming Hermit. Eventually, we managed to edit these shots efficiently and moved onto the next shot which consists of the angry emotion shoving Hermit aggressively into the lockers. This shot wasn't very difficult to edit however we just had to match Hermit's face from the previous shot to this shot which didn't very long to achieve. The next shot involves Hermit pushing the angry emotion's hands away from him and walks away from the location. This shot also wasn't very difficult to edit however it was also important to match Hermit's face with the previous shot or else it will create a continuity error. From this, we matched Hermit's face in order to prevent this issue.

The next part of the scene involves Hermit in another part of the school, upset from the incident with the angry emotion. This part of the scene wasn't very difficult to edit in as it was just one shot however when we filmed the clip, the happy emotion turned her head towards the camera so we had to make sure that when we edit this shot, her head is facing towards Hermit as there is no point in her turing her head towards the camera as it would ruin the effect of the film. We prevented this issue as we filmed this shot many times and fortunately we found a shot where the happy emotion is looking at Hermit. 

The next scene involves Hermit in his bed with the happy emotion while the calm emotion is sitting by the Hermit's table.  This scene wasn't difficult to edit either because this was just one pan shot but the timing between each straight cut had to be short or else the audience wouldn't find this scene interesting. Eventually, we cut the shot at a length that we believe to be at the right timing.

Overall today was much better then the previous editing day as we only had two scenes to edit therefore we had more time to perfect each scene. On the next editing day, we will be working on the last two scenes of Life of Hermit.