Thursday 27 November 2014

Preparing For The Shoot

Now that all of our research and planning complete, we must prepare for shooting Life of Hermit to ensure that we know exactly what we are doing and to prevent any issues from occurring.

Booking Equipment

As there are two other production companies besides Laconic Productions that are filming in December, we must book all the filming equipment so we all get a chance to shoot our films and without any complications, we have managed to book all the equipments for every shooting schedule.

Here are the bookings for each date:


In order to actually shoot our films, we need make sure that the actors/actresses, production crew and equipment are able to transport to each location without any issues or else this will delay our shooting schedule.

Here is a list of all the scenes we will be shooting and how the actors/actresses, production crew and equipment are able to transport to each scene:

Waking Up and Bed Scene
  • Actors - As we we only need two of the actors in this scene, transport will be easy as each actor is familiar of the location as they are friends with the owner.
  • Production Crew - As this location is one of the production member's house, it will be clear for transport to the house.
  • Equipment - As this is Robbie Gale's house, he would get the equipment the day before on Friday so can transport the equipment to his house.
Party Scene
  • Actors - All of the actors/actresses are good friends with the owner, Jess Bradley so transport for them won't be difficult as they have all been there before.
  • Production Crew - Just like the actors, all of us are good friends with Jess and have been to her house before so transport for would be easy.
  • Equipment - I will be responsible for bringing the equipment to Jess's house and back to the school.

Stepping Stones
  • Actors - The Stepping Stones is a public area that all actors have been before so transport won't be issue with this location.
  • Production Crew - As all of us went location hunting for our research, the production crew knows where the stepping stones is so transport won't be a problem for us.
  • Equipment - Robbie will be responsible for bring the equipment the location while I am responsible for bring the equipment back.

Cinema, Gym, Reveal, Fight and Comfort Scene
  • Actors - As all but one actor goes to this school, each of them will be able to get to the location without any trouble. As for the actor who doesn't go to this school, he will be able to carpool with another actor if he doesn't know where to find the school.
  • Production Crew - Each production crew member goes to this school therefore transport will also be accessible.
  • Equipment - The equipment is located at the school therefore transportation is not needed for these scenes.


When creating a film, there is a lot of responsibility that the production crew needs to consider:
  • Props
  • Costume
  • Giving the script to actors
  • Charging the cameras
  • Preparing the equipment
  • Printing the risk assessments and storyboard
As Robbie Gale was in charge of the prop research, it is only beneficial for him to make sure that all the props will be at each location and will be ready for shooting

Tilly was in charge of the costume research so she will take responsibly of making sure that each actor/actresses has their costume ready for shooting, She will do this 2 days prior to the schedule so we will be able to fix the issue if one occurs.

I will be giving the script to each actor/actress a few days before the first day of shooting so each of them will understand what they would have to do. I will also print extra scripts just in case one of the actors/actresses forgets to bring their own.

Whichever production member that is responsible for the transport of equipment (see transport section above) will also be responsible for charging the camera the day before shooting, For the scenes that we are shooting at school, I will make sure they are charging the day before filming.

On the days we shoot Life of Hermit, all of the production crew members will arrive at least 30 minutes prior shooting so we can prepare all the equipment for filming such as the Crane Kit and the Tracking Dolly.

I will also be responsible for printing the risk assessments and the storyboard so the production crew have an understanding of all the risks for each location and to help give us an idea of how our shots should look like during production. 

Camera Shots Preparation

In Life of Hermit, we will be producing a wide variety of shots and by looking at our documentary task, it has shown that we have had practice on creating and perfecting these shots by using the Cannon 600D with Final Cut Pro X. However there is one shot that the production crew has never created and that is Alfred Hitchcock's famous camera technique, the vertigo shot.

Unfortunately, due to time related issues, we haven't had the time to practice this shot so in order to get a idea on how to create this shot, we looked at online tutorials on how to create and perfect this shot:

Although we weren't able to practice on this shot, we will now have a better idea of how to create and perfect the shot.

Now that we are prepared for shooting our film, all we need now is the actors release forms and then we are ready to shoot Life of Hermit.