Sunday 23 November 2014

Location Research

Location Research
There are a numerous amount of scenes in our film and although they are simple, we have to look at factors such as:
  • Can the Actors get to the location?
  • Can the Actors fit in the location along with the equipment?
  • Is the environment good enough to film there?
  • Do we have permission to film in the location?
  • When are we allowed to film in the location?
  • How long does it take to get there? Do we need a car for equipment? How can we get there?
  • What restrictions does the location hold such as are we only allowed to film in a particular spot? Do we have to make minimal noise? Are we not allowed to use certain props that might make a mess?
  • How long can we film there?
Scene 1 - 'Hermit getting ready'
This is the scene to the opening of the film. We see Hermit getting ready to go and play the scene next which is Catch the Flag. Throughout this scene we see bits of his room with photo frames with him and his emotions.
Where: Robbie Gale's bedroom
Permission: Yes - Robbie Gale is one of the production team members 
Days: We would most likely film on weekends as we will film other scenes during the weekdays.
Time: We are most likely to film in the afternoon at this location
Pictures: Here are the pictures we took when we went location hunting:

Real media Example- Amelie:

Evaluation of Location
Scene 6 - 'Cinemas'
The cinema scene shows how they are all socialising again and we want this to be show obviously in a Cinema type setting and we will have them having fun.

Where: Great Wyrley High School Lecture Theatre
Permission: Yes - We asked Mr Leach, the head teacher, whether it is possible to film there on site and also Mr Hood whether we could film in the lecture theatre in regards to any meetings. We also asked the Drama Department whether or not their is something that might be happening as well.
Days: We know that we can do every day after school apart from Wednesdays as the teachers have their staff briefing from 3.30pm - 5pm
Time: We know again that everyday is free apart from Wednesdays. The times are 3.30pm - 6pm
Pictures: Here are the pictures we took for the research:

Comparison to Real Media Products

Cheaper By The Dozen- 

Evaluation of Location
Equipment - The theatre at the front has a really spacial area where we could have the equipment and also the stage is free for all of the equipment to go on there.
Actors and Crew - Again as it is in school a lot of the actors are already here so all it would take would be a change in the toilets and your there. It shouldn't be a problem and again they can arrange lifts to get home.
Mise En Scene - As you have seen we want this to portray the look of a cinema and yet we are filming in a  theatre. Well we were hoping to make the lights dark ad only film the front section of the theatre. We would have the projector on so we can see the reflection of whatever is on screen on the actors faces to make it seem more real. Also with the added props we feel as though it would genuinely look like a cinema and the conventions that come with it.
Scene 3 - 'Basketball game'
This is showing the peace with his emotions in a friendlier competition with them. The scene shows them in a Gym with Hermit scoring the winning point. This in contrast to the last scene shows a more brighter setting.

Where: Great Wyrley High School Gym
Permission: Yes - First we asked the Head Teacher for permission to film on the school site and he said 
Then we asked the Head of P.E. to see if the Gym would be available to use and what days we could use it, he said
Days: Mon - Fri
Time: Most days we can have access to it from 3.30pm to 6pm so this gives us enough time to set up etc.
Pictures: When we went location hunting we took a few pictures for evidence and to share with the rest of the crew members


Comparison to Real Media Products
Grown Ups - 2012 - Comedy
I think that this location shows the gym type feel we want and even though it was set back in time a bit, it still portrays the Basketball vibe. What we saw from this is we could even make a few signs to put up in the gym, however we still want to show the audience that this is a British school and I think that American schools are the ones to most likely use signs.

John Tucker Must Die - 200  - Comedy
With this film, it particularly focuses on the teenage high school and is modern day. It shows the gym as we like it and also the basketball. The colours are bright and again the setting is inside and on light floor.

The cable guy- 200  - Comedy
Again just another film showing the same basketball location of a gym.

Evaluation of Location
Equipment - For the equipment we can see that it has a real big amount of space to film so this will be great for butting the equipment down. It also has changing rooms for the people to get changed also if needed and If we have the keys. There is an also an outside part to the gym so we can store the equipment here if we want to do a big shot of the whole Gym.
Actors and crew - Getting here is no problem as all it means is getting changed in the toilets and we are here. We go to school through the day anyway so the actors would only have to travel to the Gym. The equipment is located in school so taking it there and back won't be much hassle and it isn't at a great risk of getting robbed. The actors and Crew also live locally meaning that lifts are easily arranged.
Mise En Scene - Looking at the Gym it has a bright colour to it, and in comparison to the dark scene prior it represents his peace with his emotions. It also looks like a place you would play Basketball with the court and the hoops. The connotations associated with a Gym are all present as we actually are shooting a a Gym where sports are played regularly.
Overall when looking at this for a place to film it's great, you really get the vibes of a Gym and we are quite lucky to have the facilities to shoot in a place that we wanted in our film.

Scene 4 & 5 - 'Party' and 'Spin the Bottle'
Both of these scenes are going to be shown in the same place. The party scene is showing how Hermit is now enjoying to socialise with his emotions, enjoying his emotions company. This will be with 8 of his masked friends.
The next scene with 7 of his masked friends will be the Spin the bottle scene where he is having love for his emotions. The scene shows two of the masks kissing showing how all of the emotions can be connected.

Where: Jess Bradley's House
Permission: Yes - We asked Jess, who then asked her mum if it would be okay to film at their house for our film and they said yes.
Days: When we come near the filming time she can give us an answer but we would prefer on the weekend
Time: Again when we come nearer the time she will give us an answer
Pictures: After going location hunting we took a few pictures as evidence

Comparison to Real Media Products:Mean Girls - 200  - Comedy
The film shows teenagers socialising and it also shows a party scene too. From what we gathered was it was in a house, and all they did was add decorations and props such as party cups so we are following the conventions.

Evaluation of Location
Equipment - There is a lot of room in her house and for the equipment we want to use it is great. Also from working on 'Fool's Paradise' (Our AS film opening), on this location we have experience in this environment and the idea that it was good.
Actors and Crew - Getting there shouldn't be a problem as the majority of the actors are friends of Jess's and they know where her house is located. If not it is still a few minutes away from Great Wyrley so it shouldn't be too hard. 
Mise En Scene - We wanted to show a modern day party with Hermit and his friends. We took inspiration from our own experiences and have it set in a house as that's where most teenage parties are set. We would also decorate it with the props and darken the lighting in Post Production and usually at parties it is quite dark. This all conforms to the stereotypical teenage party.
Overall I feel as this would be a great place to film the only worry is the idea of getting a lot of crowded people in the house and how much mess it would cause. But I am confident that it will be okay as they are all friends.

Scene 8 - 'Fight'
This seen will be Hermit and 4 of his masked friends having a fight showing how you can have conflict with your emotions and we wanted to do this in a school setting where it can happen. 

Where: Great Wyrley High School Year 9 Area
Permission: Yes - We asked permission from Mr Leach.
Days: We know the school is open from Mon - Fri after school
Time: It is open from 3.30pm to 6pm most days
Pictures: Here are a few pictures for the research:

 Real Media Example- Drillbit Taylor- 2008

Evaluation of Location
Equipment - Again great use of space here for the equipment and we are still in school meaning the equipment can easily be accessed and put back.
Actors and Crew - Again as we are in school so it would be easy for the cast to locate the location.
Mise En Scene - In the year 9 area their are lockers and tables and a hallway which all conform to the connotations of a school. Usually you would see a fight happening at school in teenage years which is how we want to portray this scene where they are fighting. The area we are filming in looks like a school so this conforms to the picture that want to paint.
Overall I feel as though its a good place to have the scene done.

Scene 7 - 'Hermit reveals mask'
This is the scene where all is revealed that Hermit is in the mask. This is a shocker for the audience.
Where: The drama studio at Great Wyrley High School
Permission: Yes - we're allowed to film here apart from Mondays.
Days: We can film in the weekdays apart from Monday.
Time: Just like the other scenes at school, we can film at this location between 3.30pm - 6:00pm
Pictures: Here is the picture we took on location:

Comparison to real media products
Oblivion - 2013 - Action/Science FictionIn this film, there is a lot of mystery of what happens, especially in the location below as there is a important plot point in this scene. This helped us find the location for the reveal scene as both locations are dark and includes a lot of dead space.

Evaluation of Location
Eqiupment - All the equipment is stored next door to the drama studio so the access will be very easy.
Actors and Crew - Again as we are in school so it would be easy for the cast to go to this location.
Mise En Scene - We want this scene to be completely focused on Hermit and the masked friend as the big reveal will occur in the scene so as this location includes a lot of dead space the characters will defiantly be focused when viewers are watching.
Scene 8 - 'Stepping Stones'
In this scene, Hermit will be sitting on a bench, at a park. He watches normal citizens walking past and can see there emotions following them.
Where: Great Wyrley Stepping Stones
Permission: As this is a public area, we are allowed to film in this area as long as we don't film any citizens or vandalise the park.
Days: We would film on weekends as we need daylight so we can't film in the weekdays because we're at school for most of the day.
Time: We will film between 9:00am - 3:00pm so we have as much daylight as possible.
Pictures: Here are the pictures we took at the location:

Comparison to real media products
Forrest Gump - 1994 - Comedy/Drama
We used this film as in the park scene, Forrest Gump narrates the story of his life which is exactly what Hermit is doing in our short film. Both characters also include a very unique personality.

Evaluation of Location

Eqiupment -  As the location will be closest to Robbie's house, he will bring the equipment to this location.
Actors and Crew - This is a well known area that all of our actors and crew are familiar of so it will be easy for all of them to find.
Mise En Scene - Parks include connotations of peace and joy as birds are whistling which usually shows to be a relaxing noise and parks are normally filled with people relaxing in the sun. We want create this tone as Hermit has finally accepted who he is and what emotion he is which is happy.

Now that the location research is completed, we can now create the risk assessments when shooting Life of Hermit.