Monday 26 January 2015

Shooting on location - Day 6


Location: Izzy Stirks house
Actors required: David Twohey, Ruth Kearsey, Sophie Wells, Izzy Stirk & Jake Bennet
Crew Members: Robbie Gale, Tilly Whitehouse & Dan Vidmar
Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Scene: 3
Shots: 22- 25
Props: Vodka bottle & Masks


6:15pm: When all of the crew and the cast had arrived we got the actors into there costumes, put them into their correct positions around the house and then began to shoot. Our first shot was shot 22,  this was an interior hand held shot set at a party. The shot continues through the hall way following one of the masked characters who is holding a vodka bottle. The shot finished coming out of the hallway leading into the dining room where we see Hermit and 2 of his friends dancing. This was one of the longest shots which we have in in film so we did have to shoot it several times to make sure that we got our desired shot. One of the problems which we had was following the masked character at the same pace. Also we had to give the actors advice for what they could do when the focus was on them as some of them didn't know what to do. We finally got the shot we wanted after numerous attempts as we gave all the actors direction so they knew what to do when the focus was on them.

7:00pm: When we had finished doing shot 22 we then began shot 23 which was all of the characters at the party playing spin the bottle. Initially we used a mid shot to identify the bottle and what the characters were doing. We then used a 360 degree shot that shown all of the characters playing the game as it panned around all of them in a full circle. To execute this shot we set the tripod up in the middle of the circle of characters (the crew members was not in the room for this shot). Then each of the cast members helped rotate the camera around in order to get the full 360 degree effect. We repeated this shot numerous times as it was difficult to achieve. But eventually we did manage to achieve what we wanted.

7:25pm: Shot 24 was mid shot of Hermit sat in the circle with the bottle top facing him. Hermit was sat next to a female mask whom he has to kiss as a result of the bottle landing on him. This was a simple shot to excite which didn't take long to do. We had to give Hermit advice on what expression and gestures he should perform when he realises the bottle has landed on him. Once he knew what to do we accomplished the shot in know time, we did shoot it a few times just so we had a choice of which shot we preferred.

7:35pm: The final shot of this scene was a mid shot of Hermit kissing the female mask. In the background you can see the other masks reactions. This wasn't a hard shot at all to pull of, once the awkwardness of the actors having to kiss was out of the way we completed the shot easy enough.

Evaluation of the day:

Overall I thought that we worked extremely hard as a team to execute our desired shots. Although some of the shots were challenging to execute, we carried on attempting them until we did.